Thursday 29 January 2015

On the Hunt

Guess what's in the bag!

So I finally got around to visiting Laywine's and got a few things! Okay, I originally only went because I put something on hold the night before. Actually, I was desperately trying to find a particular product and was hoping that Laywine's would have it. So here's the big unveil from my first trip there.

Here it is still wrapped up!

The Lady helping me was kind enough to up my purchases.

Blue Pocket Cuban Filofax 

Yep. It's a Blue Pocket Filofax. It was on sale and I managed to get it at a good price! Here's a few more shots of it.

A look inside! Although this is an old model

I picked up a few inserts as well that I didn't bother to take a picture of. Anyways, I plan on giving this one to my brothers wife. She loves the colour blue and she prefers something small and compact to carry around with her. The item that I reserved was this one! 

Yes, I got a Personal size Malden in Ochre! 

I've been using Moleskine planners for the past 4 years and finally decided that I needed a change! Usually I would full up my Moleskine and then chuck it out at the end of year. One magical day, I  was youtube and I saw a Malden setup video and at first I thought "oh, that's a nice looking planner," but the more videos and blogs I saw. The more I fell in love with the colour and everything about it. It looked like something Indiana Jones, Laura Croft and Nathan Drake would carry. The video game nerd in me rebelled against getting a sparkly Kikki K. 

The clasp

And so the desperate search for a Personal size Malden in Ochre was ahead of me. But everywhere I looked it was always more expensive that what was on the Filofax website. Amazon,  Ebay and Pens and Leather. With shipping I was looking at spending a fortune on this precious planner. I heard from a few places that Laywine's carried Filofax. So I emailed them in the dead of night hoping that maybe a miracle would happen. 

Back of it


The next day I got an email from them saying that they had one left in stock and if I was interested. Well, we all know what happened next. I rushed over the next day and picked it right up, at it's standard retail price, brand new! I asked the person working there why it was so difficult to find it. Apparently, there's been a change in distributor and it's affecting the inventory. But here it is without the protective wrap!

Everything about it is just so perfect! It matches the satchel that I take with me to school. There's a few inserts that I still need to make before taking it everywhere with me. I would like to say that my shopping spree ended there but there's s till one small thing that I wanted to share. 

This folder card for Valentine's Day. Please ignore my nasty looking fingers!

I wanted to give this card on Valentine's Day but it's just too adorable! I think I might just add it to my planner and keep it there for little nick knacks.  Here's a size comparison of it against the Laywine's paper bag.

And that's it for my irresistible purchases! I know I'm late the Filofax Party but I hope you guys still enjoyed taking a look at the ones that I picked up.^_^v