Thursday 5 February 2015

Girls Memories figure of Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars

So my brother and his wife surprised me with these two figures this week! I was actually debating on ordering them online a few days ago. So imagine my face when they texted me with just a photo saying “We won this for you!”  The only thing I could reply back to him was “FAHFKJHSAFHKJSHDFDSHFKDHHF OMFG SERIOUSLY?!?!” because everyone who’s vying to buy some moonie items in Japan are aware of just how quickly they go in stores and at the arcade. So my brother and his wife are addicted to these ufo catchers.

Here’s a picture of one in case you weren't sure what it was. 

Exactly like this! I just googled Ufo catcher lol so this picture isn't mine

I swear it just takes one successful win to get you hooked. When I was there in November, I was awful at it but 1 small win got me hooked. There’s also this feeling you get when you leave the arcade with a prize and finding out the next day while browsing around in a store that the prize you won is being sold for more. Sorry, I’m getting a little off track now. So here is a picture of my figures! 

Mercury and Mars! 

They look so lovely together! 

Here are the photo's of Mercurys box if anyone was interested!

Front of the box 

Sides of the box

Back of the box

Top of  the box 

The box is a bit darker in person and it's such a nice box. Here's a look at Mercury out of the box.

Mercury with her cute smile 

I like her expression it suits her, very serene and happy. I thought that the bandai tamashii nations figuarts zero mercury had a very downcast expression. Usually, I find the faces of figures to be a little off or different especially with small ones like this but I really love how she looks.

her earrings 

In this photo the plastic lining from it seems obvious and deep but in person it's not as visible. My macro lens just picks up on every fine detail. But I  love her earrings and how they're accurate to the show.

From the back

It looks great from the back and I like how the skirt pleats look, it could use more shading for definition. The sailor collar looks great! it obviously itsn't just a straight piece of plastic and it looks like it's in movement. It's a great touch to the figure.

Her ribbon

A close-up shot of her ribbon. I wish that the ribbon had more details and definition to the bow.

Full body shot of her

Here's a full body shot of her. I love this figure and it looks amazing! Her pose just screams that she's not the type of person to attack straight on unlike Rei. The tactician of the group has an air of kindness and innocence around her.

Overall,  I'm really happy to have her. But seriously I love her expression and face. Her pose right after the transformation is spot on and I think this is a great figure to have in a collection. 

Time for Sailor Mars! Like Mercury here is the box that she came in.

Front of the box 

Side of the box

Back of the box

Top of the box

So just like Mercury's box, the one here is a bit darker in person. Let's take a look at Mars out of the box. 

Sassy Mars

Her hair looks  fantastic! when my mom who has no idea about figures saw her the first thing that she said was "I love her hair!' and I agree with my mom. She has fabulous hair! 

Rei's I can kick your ass face

I also love her expression! There's something about her smirk and eyebrows, how it shows a very confident warrior. Everything about her seems to scream the opposite of Mercury and I just like how there is difference between the two figures. This is definitely the guardian of passion. 

Look at the bow 

Her bow and the pleats on her skirts are the same as Mercurys. 

her earrings

The plastic seam is not apparent with Mars, I think that maybe it's because of her long hair? Her earrings are red stars. It's nice that they aren't just red blobs on her ears, which is a large plus in my books.

Another full body shot
Overall both figures are well made and I'm so happy to have them! I think I'll keep an eye out for the rest of the scouts. The completion-ist in me wants all of the  girls together for a nice photo op! I hope that the outer scouts get made as well! I wonder if there's going to be a size difference between the other girls when they get released.

Anyways, that's a quick look at the Girls Memories figure of Mercury and Mars!

Until next time! 


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